Interested in starting Kung Fu?

With full classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays we have decided to open a brand new Beginners Class commencing Wednesday 1st September 2021, 6 -7pm. Sifu Lee McGeough will be teaching all new students the principles of Classical Kung Fu from the very beginning.
If you are interested in joining, contact Lee directly on 07554410494 with any questions you may have or to request a free 10 minute Skype call from the home private lesson studio. Spectrum is a diverse club and individuals from all walks of life or varying experience are more than welcome to join.
This in-depth class does require regular attendance and a weekly standing order payment of £10 is payable to secure your space in the room, whether you train or not. We are currently offering classes on a 'no joining fee' basis until December 2021.
Terms: All students will be required to complete a waiver provided on joining, and agree to ongoing commitment via a regular standing order payment as outlined per class. This is to secure your space in the room, whether you train or not. We operate a 'cashless' club and do not accept payment on the day. Current offer of 'no joining fee' expires December 2021.